Charging An Electric Car At Home
Several car companies (BMW, Ford, Mitsubishi, and GM to name a few) have been working to develop...

Green Ways To Get Rid Of Cell Phones And Chargers
With the death or upgrade of every cell phone comes the inevitable question of what do to with...

Top 6 Energy Saving Features To Look For In A New Home
So maybe you’re thinking about jumping on these record low interest rates, taking the...

Replacing Your Roof With A Greener Roof
Time to replace your roof? Make decisions that will help out with energy, last longer, and...

Gray Water Systems: Good Idea Or Bad Mistake?
Most of us realize that water is a scarce resource and are looking for ways to use less of...

Animal-Free Fertilizers For Your Healthy Home Garden
Did you know that many of the traditional organic fertilizers, for hobby home gardeners, for...

Rammed Earth: It's Not Cosmetic
Rammed earth (RE) is an ancient construction technique, which compresses soil, sand, and sometimes...

5 Earth-Friendly Ways To Celebrate The Summer Solstice
The summer solstice is the longest day of the entire year, the day that offers the very most...
Landscapers Experiences

Yard Cleanup By A Local Landscaper Who Cares About Customers

Oak Tree Planting Looks Great In Our New Home’s Spacious Yard