What Would Happen If The Globe Used AC Like We Do?
It's summer, and those air conditioners (central and window-mounted alike) are chugging away...

Stay At The Tiny House Hotel!
Interested in staying somewhere a little unique the next time you travel to Portland, Oregon?...

More News About Bee Deaths, And It's Not Good
Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD) has been a looming issue in the news for years as bees die off...

10 Tips For Helping The Ocean At Home
Love the ocean? I totally do, and it's not just because I'm biased by living right next to...

Bathroom Cleaning Ideas Without Air Contaminants
Bathrooms are dirty places. Pee, poop, mildew, mold, and plenty of moisture -- it makes total...

Ideas For Transforming Trash Into Furniture
"Trash to treasure" is one of those phrases which motivates DIY furniture builders. What could...

Clean Energy Options For Houses
Many homeowners who want clean, green energy will buy and install solar panels. However, a...

Energy-Saving Lights: Options For Outdoor Lighting
When it comes to lighting, consumers have hundreds if not thousands of choices. While many...
Landscapers Experiences

Contracted A Large Tree Trimming Job For A Reasonable Price

The Right Landscaper Can Change A Yard From Terrible To Terrific