Going Green

Green Landscaping: 4 Tips For Keeping Bees

Domesticated honeybees have been in the news a lot in recent years because of their mysterious...

How Many Solar Panels Does It Take To Power A House?

While many factors are involved in determining how many solar panels are needed to power your...

Green Living Room Design On Any Budget

I recently received an email from a young woman who was very frustrated by the lack of affordable...

Best Ways To Use New PowerSaver Loans

Green geeks are abuzz about the new federal PowerSaver loan program. On the Old House Web blog,...

Sustainable Building: Reclaimed Wood Options

During the framing stage of homebuilding, the sight that always impresses me it the “forest”...

Non-toxic Cleaning: Ways To Use Temperature Instead Of Chemicals

Do you really need a pantry full of potentially toxic cleaning chemicals? Or can temperature,...

3 Affordable Solar Options

When many homeowners think of solar power, they envision total energy independence — getting...

Solar Panels: Maintaining Battery Power

The batteries in solar photovoltaic systems can last up to 20 years with proper care. Most...