
Tips For Removing Carpet Stains

Source: Flickr – Stephani Spitzer A carpet can both keep your feet warm and add...

Hardwood Floor Cleaning Tips

All floors were not created equal! Every floor type has its own special requirements for...

What Is The Best Type Of Carpet For Allergy Sufferers?

Source: Flickr: OlympicNF Many people often find themselves coughing and sneezing. For some,...

7 Lessons From A Professional Carpet Cleaner

No matter how clean we think we keep our homes, sooner or later carpet cleaning becomes a necessity....

Natural Rugs: Chemical-Free Choices

In recent years, rugs tend to come from unnatural, unhealthy sources, such as chemicals and...

Green Underlaying Materials For Floating Floors

Sustainable flooring should start under your floorboards. There are plenty of green underlay...

Do-It-Yourself Carpet Cleaning

When it's time to clean the carpet in your home or business, consider the readily available...

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