Gophers In My Garden... Now What?
It is spring and you've just turned over your winter green manure, double dug your beds, and...
9 Facts About Mice
Lots of people think they’re terrifying, while others find them cute and cuddly. Whatever...
Summer Pest Control: Ant Types
It may seem like there are three ant types — little red ones, little black ones and big...
Humane Ways To Keep Pigeons Off Your Property
Pigeons are as integral to city living as traffic and pollution, and perhaps as annoying and...
Pest Control: Preventing Stink Bugs
The name says it all: the smell of a squished stink bug can clear a room. However, the good...
Help! A Raccoon Chewed Through My Soffit!
Unlike a small squirrel or mouse, raccoons can weigh from 12 to 20 pounds. This larger body...
Preventing Spring And Summer Garden Pests
Just as each plant has a growing season and specific instructions, many pests also have a prime...
House Centipedes While house centipedes may look frightening and can run really fast, steer away...