Charging An Electric Car At Home
Several car companies (BMW, Ford, Mitsubishi, and GM to name a few) have been working to develop...
Getting The Most From Your ENERGY STAR Appliances
ENERGY STAR appliances bear one of the most recognized certifications in America. but you may...
The Fiery Hazards Of Home Heating
According to a recent report by the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), nearly 1 in...
Pets: Options For Doggie Doors
All good dog owners want to take the best possible care of their little (or not so little)...
The Science Of Christmas Lights
Christmas lights are the most recognizable sign of the season. These lights seem to warm up...
Christmas Lights Safety Tips
A house lit up with Christmas lights is a beautiful sight to behold. But stringing lights...
Using A Circulation Fan To Save Energy
The circulation fan in an air conditioner can be a valuable energy saver ... in certain climates...
11 Summer House Fire Facts
During summer months, house fires are less common but still a hazard. Just because the Christmas...