The Ultimate Guide To Saving Energy During Christmas
According to University of University of Minnesota economist Joel Waldfogel, Americans spend...

What Salt Water Does To Houses
In the wake of Hurricane Sandy, many people have flood damage on their minds. Hurricanes come...

My Friend Weathered Hurricane Sandy In Far Rockaway
My friend, Simon Oz Ben Natan, stuck out Hurricane Sandy just three blocks from the beach in...

My Amazing DIY Solar Generator
I remember the inspiration for building my solar generator clearly. It was close to 20 years...

Charging An Electric Car At Home
Several car companies (BMW, Ford, Mitsubishi, and GM to name a few) have been working to develop...

7 Electrical Use Mistakes That Will Cost You
It is remarkably easy to waste electricity in our homes. Good thing it’s also quite...

CFL Vs. LED Lightbulbs: The Great Debate
Unless there is some big action by conservatives to repeal Bush administration legislation...

Electrical Tip: Automatic Switch Options
Want to reduce your excessive energy use -- and your utility bills? One of the biggest causes...
Electricians Experiences

Hot Tub Installation By The “BEST” Electrician

Replacement Of A Light Fixture That Literally Fell Off The Ceiling