How Do I Choose The Right Lumber For A Deck?
The addition of a high-quality deck can increase the beauty, functionality, and value of...

Help For A Hole In A Wood Deck
Exposed to the elements as they are, wood decks tend to accumulate damage quickly, even when...

Building A Porch Vs. A Patio
Are you thinking of hiring a deck builder to build a new porch or deck for your house? While...

A Flagstone Patio Replaces An Old Rotten Deck
A Denver area carpentry client of mine was looking at a replacing an old deck. Years and years...

We Tested It: How Hot Decking Materials Get
Earlier this summer I was reading an article about some folks who installed aluminum decking....

Cheap Materials = Deck Failure
Decking building is one of my areas of expertise, and over the years I have re-built and built...

The Right Way To Clean A Deck
In the last few weeks I have done a couple of deck restorations for my Denver-area carpentry...

Designer Picks: 8 Great Outdoor Couches
Modern technology of weather resistant textiles and furnishings and deck builders have really...
Carpenters Experiences

Concrete Patio Is The Finishing Touch For An Artist's Studio

Seamless Extension Of Concrete Patio And Poolside Retaining Wall