10 Green And Cheap Holiday Decorations
There are plenty of good reasons these days to explore holiday decorations that are both &...
Make Your Home Smell Like Chocolate
There are few things as great as the taste of chocolate. It's sweet, delicious, and for many...
Green And Easy Thanksgiving Centerpiece Ideas
You can’t enter a store this time of year without being bombarded with holiday music and...
Five Fantastic Homemade Natural Beauty Products
In this eco-conscious time (and in this tough economy), everybody's trying to go green while...
4 Ecological Friendly Outdoor Halloween Decorating Ideas
I'm a decorator, and I believe that Halloween decorations should not require electricity....
Creating An At-Home Coffee Bar
David Reffsin, of Pierce Bros Coffee Roasters in Greenfield, MA has some great advice for coffee...
How To Build A Hot Fire
The key to using a wood stove efficiently is to build a hot fire. Isn't all fire hot? Yes,...
Building The Perfect Cold Frame
If you live in a region with a short summer growing season, cold frames allow you to plant...