6 Wood Pallet Scavenging Tips For Your Next Project
As every great DIYer knows, wood pallets are an immensely useful construction material. You...
What's Your Centerpiece This Fall?
This fall, lots of households are planning on entertaining family, friends, and colleagues....
We Tested It: Eco-Friendly Cleaning: Cream Of Tartar
I’d been hearing this buzz in my hippie circles about making all kinds of awesome eco-friendly...
5 Fun Painted Furniture Projects
I love the look of creative painted furniture projects. Truly crafty people can come up with...
5 Cool Upcycled Headboards
It's no secret that we love recycled furniture. Old headboards seem to abound, thanks to people...
Inspiration: Four Rustic Tables Made From Scrap Lumber
The great thing about the rustic furniture trend is that you can take something kind of rough-hewn,...
Backyard Chickens And Creative Coops
There are so many reasons to keep backyard chickens, which is why so many people are jumping...
Five Ways To Use A Small Urban Backyard
City dwellers often rely on botanical gardens and city parks for their outdoor fix, but many...