Green Cleaning Basics: Wait, What IS Baking Soda?
As a dedicated DIYer and a self-proclaimed aficionado of any and every homemade cleaning product...
We Tested It: Vinegar As A Carpet Cleaner
Sometimes, when it rains, my pooch decides that his precious paws are simply too delicate to...
11 Ways To Keep Your Garbage Down
If you pay for garbage service, that monthly bill can sting, especially with prices rising...
Bathroom Cleaning Ideas Without Air Contaminants
Bathrooms are dirty places. Pee, poop, mildew, mold, and plenty of moisture -- it makes total...
Getting Rid Of Stuff
The other day a friend texted me as she was packing to move across the country: “HELP!...
How To Make Household Disinfectants With No Bleach
I’m torn. I am a hippie at heart. I was raised by hippies. I grew up weaving yarn on...
Carpet Smells Like Dog
I love my dog. I love him with all of my heart, even though he hogs the bed and his untamable...
How To Clean Kitchen Cabinetry
Your kitchen cabinets are exposed to grease, dirt, fingerprints, sticky stuff, and the occasional...