10 Ways To Clean With Vinegar
If you haven't jumped on the cleaning-with-vinegar bandwagon, what are you waiting for? You...
How To Clean Wood Floors: Tips From Flooring Contractors
Hardwood flooring is an investment that can last a lifetime. However, it needs tender loving...
We Tested It: Windex Touch-Up
A couple of weeks ago, a PR person contacted me to ask if I would do a write-up of a product...
Oven Cleaning Tips
In my experience, cleaning the oven is a hideous job. The hideousness comes in the form of...
Is Borax Really As Green As It Seems?
The Internet is rife with homemade “green” cleaning recipes that seek to minimize...
Spring Cleaning The Efficient Way
March is the time for spring cleaning, although some people wait until the official beginning...
Cleaning With Salt
As an enthusiastic green-cleaning connoisseur, I’ve tried almost every DIY solution...
Ecological DIY Scrubbing Cleansers
When faced with dirty bathroom tile or a stove top caked in cooked on grease, it is so tempting...
Top Cities Covered by our Cleaning Services
| Boston
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| Chicago
| Columbus
| Dallas
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| Detroit
| Fort Worth
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| Indianapolis
| Jacksonville
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| Philadelphia
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| Portland
| San Antonio
| San Francisco
| San Jose
| Seattle
| Washington