Window Cleaning Tips

Cleaning your windows properly has far-reaching benefits to you and your home. Did you know that there's also an energy-saving benefit to having clean windows? This is because the cleaner your window glass, the more sun will shine in through your windows. The more sun shining through your windows, the more solar energy comes into your home. Solar energy is free and doesn't harm the environment, and it will warm your home: a far-reaching money saving benefit! With that in mind, make sure you follow the tips below to help you achieve the cleanest windows on the block. If you don't feel like getting wet or dripped on, or don't have the extra time, then consider hiring a professional window cleaner to do the job for you.
Window-Washing Tips
- Wash the outside of the window panes from left to right and the inside of the window from the top to the bottom. This way, if you notice streaks, you will know which side to do over.
- Wash the windows from the top to the bottom so drips won't streak or spot those you've already washed.
- Have a soft toothbrush handy to clean inside corners.
Try these homemade window cleaning solutions:
- For regular cleaning: 1 gallon water plus 1/4 c. white vinegar or 1/2 c. ammonia. Mix it all together in a bucket and you'll be ready to start.
- For heavy-duty cleaning: 1 gallon water plus 1/2 c. ammonia and 2 c. rubbing alcohol. Mix it all together and it will help remove hard dirt.
You may have seen your grandmother using scrunched up newspapers to clean her windows. I know that's what my grandmother used, and window cleaning professionals agree that this still gives you the cleanest-looking windows. So if you don't mind getting your hands dirty with a little newspaper ink, then grab some old newspapers and get started! Some other great window cleaning rags include percale pillowcases, cloth diapers, coffee filters and even some old cut-up undershirts!
Window Screen Cleaning
- Use a vacuum attachment or a hand-held vacuum to clean your window screens and to remove dirt from the frames and window tracks.
- To wash the screen, take it outside and put the screen against an outside wall or fence. Use a hose to rinse the screen. This process should remove most of the dirt. Using a nylon brush, scrub the screen with a mixture of dish soap and water. When you are done rinsing the screen, make sure to dry it well.
- If there is still dirt on the screen or for general screen maintenance, use a lint brush to pick up any dust or dirt on the screen.
Tips for Aluminum Windows and Frames
- To clean aluminum frames, use liquid soap and a scouring pad. After rinsing the frames out, put a few drops of vegetable oil on the tracks and then move the window up and down to distribute the oil over the frame area.
- If aluminum storm windows won't glide smoothly in their tracks, make a scrunched ball of waxed paper and rub it along the edge of the window casing a few times.
If you just can't handle the window cleaning yourself then hire a local window cleaner who will surely make your windows shine!
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