Protecting Your Home Against Wood-Eating Termites
Termites are no joke. Whether you have seen them eating away at a closet or just walking around, they are bound to cause serious damage. In fact, termites cause billions of dollars' worth of damage each year by eating away at the wood in homes, from roofs down to foundations. If you have ever experienced termite damage then you know how devastating it can be. And if you have not experienced termite damage, read the tips below to learn how to help keep the termites out and protect your home against these very damaging pests.
1. Keep the Moisture Out & Away
Termites like moisture, especially in the soil around your home, as it's the perfect place for them to make their nests. Speak to a landscaper about ways to limit the moisture levels in the soil close to your home. Other sources of moisture which can be prevented with cleaning and maintenance are in and around the gutters and downspouts. This will also ensure that the gutters are working properly to drain any water away from the foundation.
2. Check the Roof
Rotting wood boards under roof shingles can easily attract termites. Have your roof inspected to make sure that there is no rotting. Wood siding should also be inspected.
3. Wood Debris
Many homeowners store wood and paper close to their homes. If you store firewood, old stumps, wood scraps, newspapers or any other wood source then consider doing it away from the house. Make sure your wood piles are at least a few feet away from the house.
4. Foundation Cracks
Check your foundation for cracks. Have a concrete contractor fix any cracks for you so that you can be sure it is fixed properly. Sealing foundation cracks will make it almost impossible for termites to enter your home this way.
5. Consider Termite-Resistant Wood
While no wood is completely termite-resistant, there are a few which termites do not like and rarely nibble on. These include: redwood, juniper and cedar. If you live in an area where termites are common, then definitely consider these wood types for decks and other wood projects in and around your home.
6. Sand Barriers
For those who have had termite problems in the past or live in an area frequented by termites, then sand barriers offer an excellent extra layer of protection against termites. Termites cannot get through sand, so placing sand around your foundation is really worth it. Sand is very heavy and messy, so consider finding a professional to help you.
7. Termite Inspections
Have your home inspected for termites as necessary, especially if you suspect that you have a termite problem. Termite inspection is one of the best ways to prevent large-scale termite infestations.
8. Do Not Remove Colonies
If you find a termite colony do not remove it yourself, as this could cause a bigger problem. Find a professional exterminator to do it for you.
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