10 Safety Tips for Hiring a Pro During a Pandemic
Many areas of the US are currently under lockdown, with residents sheltering in place and numerous businesses forced to close their doors. However, home repair services are generally considered essential, similar to grocery stores and pharmacies.
It's a troubling time we're living in, but no matter what's going on outside, everyone needs their plumbing, electricity, HVAC, roofing, and everything else to be in working order, especially if they'll be stuck in their homes for the foreseeable future.
So if an urgent situation comes up and something needs to be repaired or installed, it's important for you to be as prepared as possible to host a verified home service professional.
Here's a checklist of things to help keep everyone safe (in no particular order of importance):
- Nowadays, you can't be too careful. It's okay to ask a contractor on the phone how they feel and how their company is handling matters of hygiene. If anyone has a fever or other symptoms, they shouldn't be working.
- On the flip side, be upfront with the contractor about anyone in your household who is sick.
- Insist on the contractor wear disposable gloves & shoe covers.
- Have one member of the household deal with the contractor. Everyone else should stay in their respective areas of the house. Keep social distancing uppermost in your mind. Stay at least 6 feet away from the contractor at all times and avoid direct contact with items he or she has handled.
- Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth at all times.
- Position hand sanitizer around your home and encourage one and all to help themselves.
- Remain cool, calm, and collected during the visit - it's a stressful time for everyone and your serene attitude will be appreciated.
- Cover sneezes or coughs with tissues, if possible, or else with an upper sleeve or shoulder.
- Frequently wash hands thoroughly with soap and water for at least 20 seconds or an alcohol-based hand sanitizer that contains at least 60 percent alcohol.
- Clean and disinfect frequently-touched surfaces and objects.
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