Effective Live Mouse Traps

There are dozens of choices when shopping for a live mouse trap. They range in price from $3 to $22. They all accomplish the same thing: catching the mice without injuring them. The traps allow for easy release of the rodent and can be reused. Peanut butter (not cheese) is the bait of choice to attract mice.
How Live Mouse Traps Work:
The tip trap, made from a thick plastic, lures the mouse in with peanut butter placed in the bait cup. When the mouse enters the trap and starts toward the bait, the trap tips by design and the trap door shuts.
Metal traps have a pan with the bait behind it. The mouse’s weight on the pan will trip the door to shut and lock.
For catching more than one mouse in a live mouse trap, the paddle wheel version pushes the mouse into the cage once the animal triggers the entrance. The trap catches multiple mice since trapped mice attract other mice.
Another multi-catch live mouse trap has a one-way door. It can catch and holdup to 25 mice, although they will need to be released soon or it’s not humane at all.
A homemade version, closest in model to the tip trap, is this easy-to-make live mouse trap. Flatten one side of an empty cardboard toilet paper roll to make it tunnel-like. Balance the cardboard tunnel on the edge of a table or counter with the other end over a tall, smooth-sided trash can. You can create a ramp to the tunnel if necessary. Put a cracker with a dab of peanut butter at the end of the tunnel that is hanging over the trash can. When the mouse "falls" for the bait, it will topple into the trash and finish off its snack.
Caught! Now What?
When letting the mice go, take them far, far away from your home — unless you want frequent visitors. Disinfect any area where you suspect they’ve been. Wash your gloves and hands after cleaning the area, handling the rodent and emptying and cleaning the live mouse trap.
Author Kim Henson is a freelance writer who lives in sunny Myrtle Beach, SC. She spends her free time remodeling older homes and relaxes by taking long walks on the beach.
Check out more live mouse traps.
Learn how to get rid of squirrels.
Figure out when to use live traps and when to pull out the bigger guns.
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