Home Economy: 14 Uses for Wax Paper
Wax paper is near and dear to the hearts of cooks, bakers and candy makers, but it has a ton of other great uses, too. Here are some fantastic ways to put this common kitchen item to work around the home.
Keep Cabinets Clean: In the kitchen, airborne grease and dust combine atop cabinets, producing an icky, sticky mess. To prevent this, cover the tops of cabinets with wax paper, which you can discard and replace every few months.
Swiffer Replacement: Out of Swiffer dry cloths? No problem! Simply attach a sheet of wax paper to the mop. The tacky wax surface will attract dust bunnies and dirt.
Keep Paint Brushes From Drying Out: If you need a break from painting a house or a room, wrap brushes or rollers in wax paper to keep them from drying out.
Polish Metal: Put a shine on metal fixtures and faucets with a piece of crumpled up wax paper. Scrubbing metal with the paper will put a wax barrier between water and the metal, which will allow it to keep its gleaming appearance longer.
Protect Drawers: To keep drawers from getting dirty and greasy in the garage, line them with a sheet of wax paper. The same trick will work to keep refrigerator drawers clean of leaky food containers or fruits and vegetables that have lived long past their prime.
Keep Cheese Fresh: While you can cover many things in plastic wrap, cheese prefers more permeable packaging. Wax paper is the perfect way to let your cheese breathe while keeping it fresh.
Makeshift Funnel: If you need a quick, make-shift funnel for liquids, simply roll up a piece of wax paper into a cone shape. But make sure your funnel is tightly wound and a few layers thick, so the liquid doesn’t seep out at the seam.
DIY Insulation: Got a drafty house? In a pinch, you can ball up a few sheets and stuff it beneath an exterior door or in cracks and crevices in the wall. You can also press some wax paper down into a window frame and close the window on top of it to improve the seal and keep out winter winds.
Reduce Friction: Polish the bottom of your skis or sled with a sheet of wax paper to give yourself a speed boost.
Re-cork Wines: Wrap wax paper around a wine cork to ease it back into the bottle.
Microwave-Safe Wrapper: While plastic wrap can melt and tinfoil will send off sparks, wax paper is a great disposable wrapper with which to cover food in the microwave.
Prevent Rust: Rub metal tools, like a garden spade, shears or hammer, with a sheet of wax paper to give them a rust-proof coating.
Protect Cutting Boards: To make clean-up a snap and prevent dangerous pathogens from seeping into your cutting board, line the board with three or four sheets of wax paper before you start chopping and slicing. As long as you don’t work the knife too vigorously, the wax paper should stay intact.
Protect Furniture and Floor: During craft time with the kids, wax paper makes a great disposable cover for the table and floor to keep them from getting stained with paint and glue.
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