High Tech Kitchens of the Future
What does the future hold for kitchen design? With the technology available today, such as robot vacuum cleaners, refrigerators that have built in computers on the door, microwaves that scan directions on a box and cook the contents, faucets that turn on with a tap, drawers and cabinets that open from a slight touch or a remote…what else could the future possibly have in store?
Just imagine these innovations: Your future kitchen remodel may well include cabinetry that can change color or play a movie, and a cooktop that can be relocated on a countertop with the stroke of a hand. You deem this preposterous? Read on.
The future of kitchen cabinets
The element most subject to change is the traditional cabinetry. The kitchen of the future will be concealed behind flat doors. With the push of a button, magically the doors open; the kitchen along with the stove and sink become accessible. Drawers and cabinets will silently open and close with a control or electromagnetic touch sensors. Instead of wood, the cabinets will be glass.
Advantages of glass cabinetry are numerous. Glass is a versatile, renewable resource that can be recycled and thoroughly cleaned. It can be made scratch-resistant, as well as anti-viral. It is also compatible with modern and future technology.
Smooth glass cabinets are a perfect backdrop for LED wallpaper that changes pattern with the help of your personal computer. The cabinets might be red for a Christmas party, orange for Halloween or even a wood pattern, just for fun. The color could be changed as often as desired, or switched to a neutral backdrop for e-projection. Imagine watching a movie or ballgame on your cabinets! Since all this can be accomplished with today’s technology, imagine what will be added with future advances.
Countertops of the future
A natural fit with the technology of the future is green design in the kitchen. It takes 325 million years to form granite and marble in the earth. Glass is a wonderful, sustainable alternative; recycled glass can be fabricated just like real stone for countertops. Glass countertops are maintenance free; permanently colored; and resistant to stains, scratches, cold, and heat. Unlike granite, they contain no radioactive elements.
Another reason glass countertops will be imperative for the kitchen of the future is to accmodate induction cooktops. With induction cooking, a high frequency magnetic field moves molecules back and forth rapidly creating friction causing the pan to become hot (the pan must have some steel in it to be a conductor). With induction cooking, 90% of the heat goes into the pan, saving energy. By integrating the induction technology with the laptop capability, you'll be able to move the cooktop anywhere on the countertop or island by the sweep of a hand.
Kitchen appliances that Jane Jetson would love
The future kitchen will do some of the work for you. For instance, a box of crackers can be scanned into your kitchen computer, which will keep your grocery list up to the minute ... identifying which foods are getting low and reporting the percentage of the product left in the box. It will also oversee the expiration date and notify us when the food is past date. The Jetsons' housekeeper “Rosie” never had it this good!
Samsung currently has a refrigerator with a touch computer screen on which a note may be "written" (instead of on a chalkboard or paper), Pandora music can be played while you cook, recipes can be looked up or the weather forecast can be checked.
Another awesome technological feature of the future kitchen is wireless electricity. Electricity will be incorporated by using transmitters under the counter. Therefore, there will be no plugs and unsightly cords on the counter for appliances.
With the technology that is available today, tomorrow's upscale state-of-the-art kitchen will have many capabilities. As in the Jetsons' kitchen, there will be robots to clean the floor and systems to keep track of food use and expiration dates. With the touch of a finger, cabinet doors and drawers will open, change colors and scenery, or even play a movie. Imagine the possibilities of a cooktop that can simply be relocated to a different location for convenience. The world truly is at our fingertips!
Updated October 28, 2018.
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