Eleven Great Uses for Shower Caps
I’ll admit it, I totally do it. Oh you do it too? Well that’s good. Yeah, I think most people do. Of course, I’m talking about those irresistible sample-sized bath goodies you find inside hotels. I adore them! And I take them, oh yes I do, as often as I can. I just can’t help myself. I’m such a sucker for anything that’s miniature.
And though soaps, shampoos, or lotions sure are nice, what I’m really after is the obscure stuff: little packs of wet wipes, little bath sachets, and the most precious prized treasure of the motel room toiletry racket, the mini sewing kit. So handy! I love those.
And of course, there’s always a shower cap. Does anyone even use shower caps for their intended purpose? Other than when it’s soaking in hair dye, I’ve never actually put a shower cap on my head. I do use them . . . for unintended purposes. They’re actually quite handy to have around the house. Here are a few ideas:
1. Use a shower cap in place of a zipper baggie, to safely store leftovers like sandwich remains, crudités, or the last chunk of crusty bread. A rubber band can help here. Gentlemen, weigh in on this please: Would you do this? I can't 100% picture a plumber putting a sandwich wrapped in a shower cap in his lunch box, but you never know.
2. Use in place of plastic wrap, to top a Tupperware container or a non-Tupperware bowl (like a salad bowl). The built-in elastic makes it easy to custom fit and tighten. Shower caps stretch and will even fit a 9 x 9 pan! Not just for food: Atlanta painter Kass Wilson suggests using a shower cap to cover paint cans while you're painting to keep the paint fresh.
3. Use it to cover the unused half of cut cantaloupes, honeydews, or watermelons.
4. If you save up a nice stash of shower caps, they can be excellent picnic accompaniments. One stretched over the top of each bowl (potato salad, chips, dips, etc) is great for keeping the bugs at bay!
5. Another picnic lifesaver: you can add some ice to the cap and then put a bowl inside it, so the cap covers the bottom and sides. This creates a little ice box effect and will keep the contents cool for hours.
6. In your home, place a cap under your indoor plants, with the elastic tight around the container. This will help prevent leaking when you water.
7. Conversely, secure the cap over your spring seedlings, which will trap warmth and moisture and create a little greenhouse. Perfect for getting those plants off to a great start!
8. Fill the cap with a bit of water, then fasten around the stems of fresh cut flowers. This acts as a traveling vase, keeping the flowers hydrated while you transport them.
9. Poke a hole in the center of the shower cap, then slip it over a hanger. Now you’ve got a shoulder guard to keep any dust or debris from collecting on your fancy clothes.
10. For trips that require a change of clothes, put your shoes inside a shower cap before placing them in your suitcase. This will keep the shoes from dirtying any of your other clothes.
11. Keep a few shower caps right by the front door, in case of muddy emergencies. The elastic makes them act as great booties to slip over your shoes.
That’s a pretty diverse repertoire for a flimsy little piece of plastic, I’d say.
Sayward Rebhal writes for Networx.
Updated March 7, 2018.
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