Electrical Safety Quiz

Do you know enough about electrical safety to pass an electrical safety quiz? Take the Networx Electrical Safety Quiz and find out! (Answers at the bottom of the page)
1) How does electricity move from one place to another?
a. Electricity travels through the air.
b. Electricity travels through conductors.
c. Electricity only travels through electrical wires.
2) What is the most common electric shock-related injury?
a. High fever
b. Blacking out
c. Electrical burns
3) True or false: You are more likely to experience an electric shock if you touch an electrical object with wet hands.
a. True
b. False
4) True or false: Low voltage = Low hazard
a. True
b. False
5) Which of these is required in wet areas like kitchens, bathrooms, basements and outdoors?
a. Ground-fault circuit interrupter.
b. Rotating electric outlet.
c. Tamper-resistant receptacle.
6) Is it safe to run an extension cord under a carpet or along a baseboard for permanent use?
a. Yes
b. No
7) What is the proper way to unplug your electrical appliances from a power strip?
a. Simply pull the cord gently until the plug comes out.
b. Put your foot on the power strip to hold it steady while you pull the cord loose.
c. Use your hand to remove the plug, being careful not to pull on the cord.
8) Which of the following does NOT belong in a list of non-conductors, or items that do not carry electricity: glass, plastic, rubber, porcelain, metal, and dry (clean) wood?
a. Metal
b. Porcelain
c. Dry (clean) wood
9) If a friend receives a severe electric shock from an electrical appliance in your home, what should your first response be?
a. Grab the appliance and throw it aside so that you can tend to your friend.
b. Run to the circuit breaker and turn off the main switch.
c. Use a wooden broomstick to push the appliance away safely.
10) If you are doing an outdoor painting or roofing project and there are power lines nearby, how much space should there be between you and the power lines in order for you to stay safe?
a. You, your tools and ladders should be at least 10 feet away from the power lines.
b. You, your tools and ladders should be at least 20 feet away from the power lines.
c. You don’t have to worry about it because power lines are insulated, so you won’t get shocked.
1) B: Electricity travels through conductors such as metal, concrete, water, wet wood, and even people.
2) C: The flow of an electric current through a person’s body generates heat. If the current is large enough, the heat will cause an electrical burn, which can lead to serious tissue damage and other internal injuries. If you ever incur an electrical burn, seek immediate medical attention.
3) A: Water is a good conductor of electricity, which means that wet hands can conduct electricity from the electrical object into your body. Use extreme caution when doing electrical work around water or in wet conditions.
4) B: The longer a person is exposed to an electrical shock, the more dangerous the situation becomes. A low-voltage electrocution for a mere 3 seconds can do the same amount of damage as a high-voltage electrocution does in 0.03 seconds. Either way, human bodies are damaged by electric voltage - high or low - so please be careful.
5) A: A Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter (GFCI) outlet, extension cord, or breaker is designed to protect you against shock and electrocution when using electrical appliances around water. These safety devices are normally required in wet areas of your home according to electric code. For information about rotating electric outlets and tamper-resistant receptacles, check this out.
6) B: No. An extension cord that is covered by carpeting can overheat and cause a fire. Running an extension cord along a baseboard is better than underneath a rug, but you should only use extension cords for temporary work situations. For long-term needs, hire a qualified electrician to install a new permanent outlet.
7) C: Pulling on the cord can cause damage to the wires inside, which could ultimately result in an electrical shock after much misuse. Always disconnect appliances from the power source by grasping and removing the plug.
8) A: Metal is a conductor of electricity. You should therefore be very careful with any metal appliances that are exhibiting electrical malfunctions.
9) B: The safest thing to do is remove the source of electricity by turning off the main switch of the circuit breaker. Touching your friend is not a good idea because he or she may conduct electricity into your body and then you will both be shocked. Using a broomstick isn’t the best idea either because if the wood is wet or dirty, it may also conduct electricity into your body.
10) A: Make sure to keep a distance of at least 10 feet between you, your tools and ladders and the power lines. You should call your utility company to see what safety measures can be taken if you're working near power lines. And remember, power lines may have a weather coating on them for protection against the elements, but this will not protect you from shock.
We hope that you passed this electrical safety quiz with flying colors. Now send the electrical safety quiz to your friends and children to make sure that everyone is well informed about electrical safety. Quiz each other for fun!
Updated January 2, 2018.
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