DIY Projects Inspired By Wine
I know that most DIY projects are inspired by things like necessity, a small or nonexistent budget, the desire for blog traffic, or some great find of a material to build a project from. Can we be honest here? Sometimes DIY projects are also inspired by things like wine, beer, a sugar craving, the unshakable need to eat frosting, or the fact that one is lonely and only has beeswax and Mason jars to keep her company that night. I am not saying that wine is necessarily a sign of self-indulgence or desperation, but sometimes it is, amiright?
On its better days, wine is a delicious fermented grape product that can bring out the flavor of a meal. Wine also evokes wine country, with its patina of worn wood and its ambiance of the Mediterranean. If you are feeling inspired by wine, the following DIY projects inspired by wine could help you to turn your inspiration into a real, live DIY project that you love.
Wine cellar: I know. You think money grows on trees? So maybe if money is only growing on trees near you that have no low-hanging branches and are guarded by ferocious cobras, a custom wine cellar is still a cool DIY project.
Box wine holder: Box wine is so fun. Sometimes it tastes good, and sometimes it does not, but one thing is for sure: it always contains alcohol. Want to make your box wine look like it came from the tasting room at a fancy vineyard? Build a wooden box wine holder like Ethan from One Project Closer, a carpenter in Baltimore, did.
Two Buck Chuck jumbo wine glass: This jumbo wine glass was fashioned from a Two Buck Chuck bottle. Trader Joe's raised the price of Two Buck Chuck from $1.99 to $2.49, which would make it Two Bucks and Fifty Cents Chuck (plus tax!), but it will always be Two Buck Chuck to me.
Wine jug pendant lamps: These are actually attractive. But never mind that. I grew up with pretty much non-drinking parents, and the first time I saw one of the extra large wine jugs that make such nice pendant lamp globes, was at a relative's house at age 13. Although I didn't have much experience with alcohol at that age, I did know that when one person drinks half of one of those jugs by herself in one night, it's probably cause for concern.
PVC pipe wine rack: This mod wine rack looks like something you'd pay $200 for at the MOMA store, except it actually is made from PVC pipe, screws, and epoxy. Make one.
Wine cork bath mat: If you have 175 wine corks, hot glue, shelf liner, and a knife (not to mention enough patience to glue down 175 wine corks), you could make a wine cork bath mat. It adds a natural element to a ceramic tile bathroom.
Wine bottle fountain: It never hurts to add a water feature to the garden. It's a garden ornament that helps plants to grow. Although it takes some plumber and electrical contractor know-how to hook up the water and electricity to this puppy, it's still an accessible project for an intermediate DIYer.
Plant nanny: Dude, what do you do when you're taking off for the week and you don't have a single friend in your city you'd trust to come in to water your plants? You make a plant nanny. The plant nanny ensures that your wine bottles will be used properly, and not hurled out your window at the cops when they break up the party that your plant waterer "accidentally" held in your apartment.
Wine cork monogrammed boxwood wreath: It's classy, not sassy, to make a wine cork heart and stick it on a handmade wreath.
Wine jug lamp: Wine jugs are awesome objects to upcycle into light fixture bases.
Wine jug and jute vases: Jute and green wine glasses impart that nautical look to any room. If you're doing "beachy," these vases are for you.
Wine cork key chain: This key chain would make DUI stops almost impossible to talk oneself out of. Nevertheless, it probably floats, and a floating key chain has its obvious advantages.
Chaya Kurtz writes for
Updated November 21, 2018.
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