Carpet Beetles

Carpet beetles, also known as varied carpet beetles, are common household pests found under carpets and rugs, in attics, around piles of clothes and just about anywhere there is fabric. Carpet beetles can be destructive and ruin your clothes and carpets. The good news is that they are easily preventable. Find out how.
What are Carpet Beetles?
Carpet beetles are grayish in color, with black, iridescent spots. They feed on dead insects and will look for them just about anywhere in your home -- especially in your carpets and stored clothing, often causing serious damage. These beetles reproduce quickly and prolifically. A female carpet beetle lays about 100 eggs that hatch within a week or two.
The best way to fight against carpet beetles is through prevention.
Carpet Beetle Prevention Tips:
- Vacuum all carpets and rugs at least once a week.
- Check around your home for small larvae and beetles, especially under rugs.
- Launder or dry clean clothes before storing to kill any bugs or larvae that may be hidden in the fabric.
- Seal up plastic storage boxes of clothes with tape.
- Add moth balls or flakes when storing your clothing.
How to Get Rid of Carpet Beetles:
- Sprinkle some Borax under carpets. Borax works as an insecticide against many small household pests.
- Consult a pest control professional about using pesticide sprays to get rid of carpet beetles. Never apply pesticide to clothes or bedding.
Updated August 14, 2018.
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