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Top Louisiana Counties
| Allen
| Ascension
| Assumption
| Avoyelles
| Beauregard
| Bienville
| Bossier
| Caddo
| Calcasieu
| Caldwell
| Cameron
| Catahoula
| Claiborne
| Concordia
| De Soto
| East Baton Rouge
| East Carroll
| East Feliciana
| Evangeline
| Franklin
| Grant
| Iberia
| Iberville
| Jackson
| Jefferson
| Jefferson Davis
| La Salle
| Lafayette
| Lafourche
| Lincoln
| Livingston
| Madison
| Morehouse
| Natchitoches
| Orleans
| Ouachita
| Plaquemines
| Pointe Coupee
| Rapides
| Red River
| Richland
| Sabine
| Saint Bernard
| Saint Charles
| Saint Helena
| Saint James
| Saint Landry
| Saint Martin
| Saint Mary
| Saint Tammany
| St John The Baptist
| Tangipahoa
| Tensas
| Terrebonne
| Union
| Vermilion
| Vernon
| Washington
| Webster
| West Baton Rouge
| West Carroll
| West Feliciana
| Winn