Average Cost to Repair Siding

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How Much Does it Cost to Repair Siding?

When you're looking to repair siding, typically you can expect to pay from $298 - $1143. Cost to repair siding will vary according to:

  1. siding material
  2. source and extent of damage
  3. how easy it is to find matching material
  4. whether painting is required
  5. any necessary repairs to underlying structure or roof support

Repair Siding -- Compare Materials

Siding Material

Reason for Repair

Repair Difficulty

Possible Additional Costs


1. Cracks or breaks

2. Buckling

3. Loose siding

Relatively simple

1. Repair of underlying water damage


1. Peeled or chipped paint

2. Warping

3. Dry or wet rot

4. Mold

5. Insect holes

Requires good carpentry skills

1. Painting and staining

2. Repair of insect damage or rot


1. Fading

2. Dents

3. Scratches

4. Corrosion

Depends on problem

1. Priming and painting

2. Re-siding is often recommended



1. Breakage

2. Peeling or loose

3. Bowing

4. Gapping

5. Caulking problems

6. Vehicle impact puncture or breakage

Depends on problem and quality of original installation

1. Repair of insect damage or rot in underlying structure

Cost Breakdown

  • Materials and Supplies -- A matching piece of siding, if necessary, and minor supplies (nails, screws, and the like) are usually included in the price.
  • Labor -- Labor cost covers basic repair. If underlying damage or inadequate insulation must also be remediated, the cost will increase. Finishing (priming, painting, staining) are extra. If siding needs to be replaced, your contactor may be able to put new material on top of the old; otherwise, there may be an additional charge for removal and disposal of the existing siding.
  • Estimate -- The initial estimate, including onsite inspection, is often free.

Get the Most for Your Money

Inspect your siding regularly and take care of small problems before they turn into seriously expensive headaches.

When you have siding installed or replaced, keep a few extra sections to match for future repairs.

Cost to Hire a Handyman

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