Average Cost to Hire a Handyman

$43 - $100 per hour, labor only Find out how much your project will cost
Where do you need the Handyman?

How Much Does it Cost to Hire a Handyman?

When you're looking to hire a handyman, expect to pay from $119 to $398 per hour.

Why such a range? The cost to hire a handyman depends a great deal on whether he works as an independent or as part of a professional handyman service. For an independent, the hourly fee averages $30 - $50, according to where you live. Handyman companies charge $60 to $125 an hour, often with a minimum fee, mileage, and/or additional charges for trips to purchase materials. Browse handymen near you to find the best carpenter for your project.

What Type of Work Do You Need Done?

The type of work you need done is another important factor in the handyman's price. Handymen typically handle a wide variety of tasks, such as:

  • Household repairs (fence repair or drywall patching, for example)
  • Maintenance like gutter cleaning, lawn mowing, trash removal, and snow shoveling
  • Small decorating jobs -- paint touchups, curtain hanging, etc.
  • Simple carpentry work (for instance, hanging cabinets or assembling flat-pack furniture)

Plan in advance to make the most of your handyman's service call. Put together a to-do list of odd jobs, organized in order of priority, and make sure you have all the materials handy.

Cost Breakdown

The cost to hire a handyman includes:

  • Labor -- Handymen usually charge an hourly rate, although you may negotiate a daily or "per job" fee. Cost may include travel time and/or "trip" charges if the handyman must go to purchase supplies for you.
  • Tools -- Your handyman will almost always come equipped with his own tools.
  • The initial estimate for a large handyman project, which may include an onsite inspection, is often free.

Materials are generally NOT included.

Choose the Best Handyman for the Job

Handymen usually advertise a broad skill set. Make sure that the person you hire is experienced and competent at the specific type of work you need to have done.

Handymen do not generally require a license. Check out local law regarding the type of job you have planned. Be careful to hire only a handyman who is fully insured.

Request a written guarantee outlining the work and any special conditions.

Remember that a handyman is not a contractor. They are not allowed to do jobs such as electrical wiring which require a state-issued license. In some areas, handymen may be limited to a total of $500 worth of work per day.

Get the Most for Your Money

Don't automatically assume that the cost to hire a handyman will be cheaper than hiring a contractor for larger-scale projects. Compare the estimates and skills they have to offer.

Because materials are not normally included in handyman fees and there is an additional charge for picking up supplies, take the time to purchase materials and supplies yourself. You will save money and have everything ready for your handyman to get right to work.

Cost to Hire a Handyman

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